Quality assessment is conducted in accordance with a university-wide system of quality provision which is described in detail at www.kvalita.zcu.cz. However, it also takes into account the specifics of the faculty in individual areas.
For creative activity there is a comprehensive methodology for evaluating results linked to the national Metodika 17+ (CS only), which is more specifically defined and supplemented with a view to the significant heterogenous nature of the faculty. The assessment is conducted annually and has a bearing on both the evaluation of employees and internal budgeting at the faculty.
In terms of education activity, the FE relies on regular evaluation of the quality of teaching as conducted within the framework of the university as a whole. Student participation in this process is regularly significantly higher than the average, as also is the percentage of teachers and heads of departments responding to students’ comments. The vice-dean for education analyses the given comments systematically in accordance with the given methodology and submits the relevant comments to faculty management.
The faculty also devotes attention to quality in the area of human resources, where it supports the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and is one of the participants striving to win the prestigious HR AWARD.
Faculty of Education (FE) of University of West Bohemia (UWD) has applied for the HR Excellence in Research Award which is awarded by European Commission. Detailed information about this prestigious award confirming that the given institution progress in aligning their human resources policies to the 40 principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers can be found at EURAXESS.
The documents related to the HR Award application can be found below. Overview of questionnaire survey results is in Czech, other documents are in English. Contact person for HR Award at FE is Jiri Kohout (e-mail: jkohout4@kmt.zcu.cz).