The Faculty of Education of the UWB in Pilsen educates future teachers and experts not only in its traditional premises in Pilsen, but also in the university building in Cheb. Many students from the Karlovy Vary Region have always visited our faculty. With the creation of a new branch, we are trying to help future or unqualified teachers from these regions, thus we also want to support qualifications in education in this region. We currently offer a study program of combined study in Cheb intended for future teachers of the first grade of elementary school [CS]. In the future, we do not rule out the development of our activities implemented in the Cheb branch of the faculty.
We thank the Karlovy Vary region and the city of Cheb for supporting our activities in Cheb.
Karlovy Vary
At the same time we develop new study programs that respond to the needs of the current labor market. In this spirit, in cooperation with the municipality of Karlovy Vary and the Regional Office of the Karlovy Vary Region, a professional bachelor's study program in Kinanthropology - Wellness Specialist [CS] was prepared. The program will be implemented by the Center for Physical Education and Sports of the Faculty of Education UWB.
As the name suggests, the study is focused on human movement and the optimal use of movement activities for the benefit of human health. Graduates of this program will be able not only to contribute to the addition of complex spa care services, but also to provide residents and visitors to the region with services in the field of health and fitness-oriented exercise programs.
We thank the Karlovy Vary region and the city of Karlovy Vary for supporting our activities in Karlovy Vary.